[2.2] "How is it that you DO NOT UNDERSTAND…" (Matt. 16:11).
[2.3] "But they UNDERSTOOD NOT this saying, and it was HID from them…" (Luke 9:45).
What was it that Christ’s disciples and apostles understood not? Surely they understood His spiritual teachings, did they not? What is it that they "…understood NOT" about Jesus’ sayings? Truth number 3 will reveal this shocking truth to us. That Jesus hid the meaning of his teachings from the masses, we have clearly been told already in Truth # 2. But now I am going to show you something even more profound. Most in fact, will not believe the Scriptures before their own eyes.
This is really childish that I should even have to explain to Christians that a "parables" really is a "FICTITIOUS narrative, and therefore is not a literal story at all. Oh what religion has done to otherwise perfectly sane minds. How many of you will now believe and concede that parables are not literally true stories? Virtually none. As I have said for a long time now: " Some Christian is a religion of contradictions and square circles." And they love to have it so.
That Jesus taught the multitudes including the Scribes and Pharisees in "parables" which means: "FICTITIOUS narratives," is stated numerous times in the Scriptures. And clearly the multitudes along with the Scribes and Pharisees did not understand any of it. Actually the Bible as a whole is one giant parable. This true, but I don’t have time to go into that right now.
And now for the shocker of shockers: Ask any Christian and he will tell you: "Jesus taught His disciples in "plain, literal, simple language." Maybe the multitudes, the masses, the Scribes and the Pharisees, didn’t understand Christ’s teachings, but surely the Apostles understood His teachings. Oh really? And do we have chapter and verse on that? Do we have two witnesses on that? No we don’t because it isn’t true.
Here’s how Jesus taught His own disciples, even in private:
"These things have I spoken unto you in PROVERBS: but the time comes when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall show you PLAINLY of the Father" (John 16:25).
By Jesus’ own admission, He didn’t teach or speak to even His Own apostles "plainly."
Now for a little humor: After Jesus spoke these words to His apostles He explains how He came out from the Father into the world and that He would again leave this world and that He would then plainly make known to them the Father. Not wanting to admit to their total ignorance of what Jesus was saying:
"His disciples said unto Him, Lo NOW SPEAK YOU PLAINLY, AND SPEAK NO PROVERB. Now ARE WE SURE THAT You know all things, and need not that any man should ask You: by this we believe that You came forth from God" (John 16:29-30).
Jesus responded: "DO you NOW believe?" (Verse 31). Of course they didn’t. They had not a clue as to what Jesus was spiritually saying.
So Jesus promised that at some time in the future He would speak to them no longer in proverbs, but "plainly"—frankness, bluntness, assurance, confidently, freely, openly. Hence His "proverbs" were NOT, frank, blunt, assured, confident, free, open, and plain! No wonder the disciples and even the Apostles "understood not" the teachings of Jesus Christ. Do we have any "witnesses" or "spiritual matches" to that effect? Many:
"And when He was alone, they that were about Him with the twelve asked of Him the parable… And he said unto them, Know you NOT this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?" (Mark 4:10 & 13).
To know "all parables," they needed to know "this parable." But since they clearly and admittedly did not know "this parable," neither did they know any of the parables. The Apostles of Jesus Christ followed Jesus for three and one half years, and never understood the parables, even though they understood certain principles contained in a few parables.
The multitudes did not understand Jesus’ parables; the Scribes and Pharisees did not understand Jesus’ parables; the hundreds of disciples did not understand Jesus’ parables, and as unbelievable as it may sound, not even the APOSTLES understood Jesus’ parables. Now get ready for another shock:
Not only did none of the above including the Apostles themselves, understand any of Jesus’ parables, but they did not understand the parables after Jesus EXPLAINED the parables! And how is such a thing even possible? Well, get ready for an even greater shock:
The reason they didn’t understand the parables even after Jesus explained them, is because Jesus explained His parables WITH ANOTHER PARABLE! That’s right, Jesus explained the parables that the Apostles themselves didn’t understand, by another parable, which they also did not understand. – Next…. issue
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