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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bible Great Woman … Mary Magdalene

Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away. Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master. (John 20:15–16)

Mary Magdalene lived in the city of Magdala, which had a reputation for being a city of prostitution. That doen't mean she was a prostitute, but she was raised in an environment that had a negative impact on her heart.

Mary had a face-to-face encounter with Jesus that changed her life. The Bible tells us that Jesus cast seven evil, demonic spirits from her life (Luke 8:2). Can you imagine the depravity and despair that must have filled Mary? She was labeled as a "sinner"—not the kind of woman a respectable man would want to bring home to Mama.

Yet after being set free from these spirits that had ruled and ruined her life, Mary proved that where you start in life doesn't determine where you finish. She changed her environment and the relationships that first attached those labels to her.

God's Word tells us that this woman with a tainted past was so transformed that she formed a friendship with Salome, the mother of James and John (Mark 15:40), as well as Mary, the mother of Jesus (John 19:25). She became close to Joanna, the wife of Chuza, who was King Herod's steward (Luke 24:10). Mary Magdalene became a woman of influence and was counted among a small group of women who, at their own expense, served Jesus and His disciples as they ministered (Luke 8:2–3).

Mary went from bondage, oppression, and depression to a life of freedom, joy, and fulfillment. She went from being filled with evil to being filled with peace, prosperity, and love. And if you read John 20, you'll note that she was the first person to witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a part of God's design for her life!

Labels are put on people's lives all the time. If you believe the labels and lies that are put on you by people rather than what the Word of God says about you, you will not have the power necessary to live a successful life. Activate what He says—and only what He says—and you'll replace life's lies with God's Word.

God wants to use you. Man may give up on you, and you may have been raised in an environment that was less than desirable, but God is just beginning with you. When the Word of God becomes alive in your mind and heart, your former life—with its guilt, sin, shame, failures, and labels—begins to pale in comparison to the wonderful glory of the new life God produces in you.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bible Great Woman … Esther

I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish. (Esther 4:16)

Think life's been unfair to you? Esther's parents had died. They had been among the Jewish captives led away from Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar and settled in Persia. She knew slavery and oppression. As an orphan, she was raised by her older cousin, Mordecai. But she refused to become bitter even though she had been broken and depleted by life.

Esther demonstrates that a person with a past can touch God in the present and believe Him to give her a future. Esther didn't allow the misfortunes in her life to strip away her God-given identity. Not everyone does that. Some people who love God remain bitter and broken. But everyone has the opportunity to touch God and believe for restoration in their areas of depletion.

One of the qualities that made Esther extraordinary is that she had a great inner confidence that gave her the ability to handle pressure. When Esther went into the king's presence, where she was up against 127 beautiful virgins who were vying to become queen, she "requested nothing."

The other girls appealed to the king with ornaments and outward beauty only. Esther went with what was inside her—an inner strength that radiated beauty and gave her favor (Esther 2:15).
Although Esther was the least outwardly adorned, what made her stunningly beautiful was "the hidden man of the heart,...even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price" (1 Peter 3:4). Esther was as strong on the inside as she was beautiful on the outside. And because of that, she could handle a hostile environment because she knew who God had made her to be. When the moment came for her to take a heroic stand to save the Jewish people, years of preparation led to a determined date with her destiny.

Don't miss your moment. Invest in what God has put inside you. Invest in what lasts all through life and on into eternity! God is preparing you! He is transforming you into a person who will rise above bitterness and be overflowing with God's love. He is establishing in you the ability to withstand pressure and to have an inner radiance that comes from a relationship with Him.
Ask God to reveal to you what it is that He has as your destiny in life. Ask Him to give you a glimpse of the future He has already prepared for you. It's a future bathed in the glory of God, and it's a destiny worth pursuing with your whole heart.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bible Great Woman … Ruth

Whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. (Ruth 1:16)

Do you have a past you wish you had never lived? Are you ready to go where you've never gone and do what you've never done in order to start a new life? If so, you will like the story of Ruth.

Ruth was a Moabites, born and raised in a highly dysfunctional culture filled with perversion, idol worship, disappointment, and death. Her first break came when she married into a Hebrew family that came to Moab from Bethlehem to escape a famine. After her father-in-law died, and then her husband, Ruth refused to be left behind when her mother-in-law, Naomi, decided to return to Bethlehem.

When presented with the opportunity to accompany Naomi to Bethlehem and begin a new life, Ruth said, basically, "I want no more of my past. I want something better. I'm going to leave my past and cleave to God's promises and what He has for me. I'm willing to go where I've never been to become the person I want to be."

Millions of people are where Ruth was in that moment. They each have a past they wish they could forget. What they experienced brought them nothing but pain and heartache and scars. They see nothing of value in the pasts they've lived.

Are you there? Are you prepared to deal with your past—to let go of old grudges, to release old anger and disappointments, and to ask God to heal you of old hurts? You cannot embrace the future if you cling to the past. You must let it go.

Ruth broke with her past and did exactly what Naomi told her, without necessarily understanding why. She made the right decisions, and her servant heart caused blessing to overtake her and Naomi in Bethlehem. God caused Boaz to come to Ruth, and she became his wife and the mother of a baby named Obed, who was the great-grandfather of David, an ancestor of Jesus. Ruth's destiny was to be in the bloodline of our Savior and Lord! Ruth—who was marred, scarred, and stained by her early environment—lived out her life in greatness!

What God did in the life of Ruth, He can do in your life. I don't know what your Moab is, but every person has something he or she must leave to follow Jesus completely. I don't know where your Bethlehem is or who you Boaz is, but God has a place and a purpose for you if you are willing to leave your past and walk into your future with Him.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bible Great Woman … Hannah

And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore. (1 Samuel 1:10)

Have you ever known what it means to have things going right in many areas of your life, yet in one or more areas, things couldn't be more wrong? Have you ever been in that place where you appear on the outside to be succeeding, but on the inside you're fighting a horrific battle? That's what was happening in Hannah's life.

Hannah was one of the two wives of Elkanah, a devout man who regularly worshipped at the tabernacle in Shiloh. While she was blessed with a husband who loved and provided for her, the fact that she was barren was a deep sorrow to her, which was aggravated by Elkanah's other wife, Peninnah, who "provoked her daily" with this reminder. Producing children in that time were considered a sign of God's favor and reward. To be "provoked" means to have an inner rage that threatens to erupt at any point. Hannah was pushed to the point of "losing it."
The female rivalry in this family was rooted in jealousy, which is rooted in fear, and specifically, a fear that one can be replaced. Hannah was jealous of Peninnah because Peninnah had children. Peninnah was jealous of Hannah because Hannah had Elkanah's love.

Hannah's problem drove her to God. Only God could cause Hannah to conceive and bear a child. At the entrance to the tabernacle of the Lord, Hannah poured out her heart to God. She was so deeply wounded that she wept there and prayed with her lips moving but without any sound coming from her mouth. It was so intense that the high priest, Eli, thought she must be drunk. But Hannah refused to be denied, and God answered her desperate prayer of faith (1 Samuel 1:17).

Are you desperate enough today to press toward God? Is your pain producing perseverance in you? Are you facing a need that is deep enough to drive you to push through any resistance that comes your way to get to God? When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you'll do whatever it takes to get your answer from God.

There are some situations you must take to God and nobody else. God's Word says to cast "all your care upon him; for he careth for you" (1 Peter 5:7). It doesn't say to cast all your cares on your pastor, your best friend, or your spouse. There are cares and situation that only God can handle. Only God can fix your heart and bring you through to your destiny

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Be Still and Focus

"Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

In this day and age, our culture has become so accustomed to having constant activity going on; computers, cell phones, television, email, video games. And there’s nothing wrong with that stuff but sometimes, we have to stop and be still so we can focus on knowing God. This is especially true during the difficult times in life. When you are facing a challenge, it’s easy to want to run to a friend or talk about it with a neighbor, but at some point, you have to stop and say, “God, I rest in You. I know You have me in the palm of Your hand.” Remember, our battles are spiritual battles. The people in your life aren’t your enemy, the forces of darkness are. When you choose to be still and know that the Greater One lives on the inside of you, you are saying to the whole world, “I trust God. He is my Defender.” When you choose to believe in Him you will enter into His rest. Remember, the battle belongs to the Lord. As you are still before Him, You will see His hand of victory and blessing in every area of your life!

"...dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves..."( 2 Corinthians 7:1)

You were created to know three worlds -- the spiritual, psychological, and material worlds. These can be considered the world above us, the world within us, and the world around us. These worlds are related to the three parts of our human nature -- spirit, soul, and body. When you are rightly related to the material world with your body, you are healthy. When you are rightly related to the psychological world with your soul, you are happy. And when you are rightly related to the spiritual world in your spirit, you are holy. God's aim is that ultimately you are to experience all three realities: health, happiness, and holiness.

Take a snapshot inventory of your life. Where do you need to start making changes to live a healthier lifestyle? What is your emotional barometer telling you about how you see others and yourself? Do you know of any area in your life where you are not living in obedience to the call of holy living?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

His Love For Us..

John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, He give His only begotten son whoever believe on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

When I was newly arrived here is Saudi Arabia my life has no direction, like a water flowing only in different direction. For almost first five years is look like sea saw games, no direction, no meaning. But God has a way and purpose how the way showing to me through His son Jesus Christ. My hard hitting heart received a tender touch from His son grace. One day, He talk to me through other person to convey the above God's provision.

Initially my whole body and mind against what I heard from God's people but his word is so powerful and loving touching in whole area of my mind and body. Since then, Jesus starting mold me, revoke me to a better life. He always with me in time of trouble and depression. His requirements only to believe on Him.

Thank God that you save me for the sure condemnation because of my sin and un-belief on you and Your son Jesus Christ. Also thanks to your love and kindness to me..... Now I assure to the grace of God that in coming future God will save me as He promised above. I pray He always guide me and protect me....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

God Provision.. in our Life

"Give us this day our daily bread." Matthew 6:11

A philosopher once said, "To whom little is not enough, nothing is enough." I know what I want, and I know what you want. I want to have some money in the bank, and I want to have something there so that when tomorrow comes, then I don't have to worry about it. Isn't that what you want? We call that security. Question: Is that really security? Who is more secure the man who has a warehouse full of stale bread that the rats or thieves can get or the man who has a father who is a very, very rich baker?
God wants to surprise and bless you. Just like a surprise in our every day lives from a loved ones causes much delight and joy, making us feel special, God wants to surprise us with His goodness. When we take the time to realize the small surprises that show up in our lives, this will create an attitude of faith and joy. He even wants to take what seems to be a setback or distraction in our lives, and turn it around to bless us; surprising us! The Scripture says in Deuteronomy 28, “If we will keep God first place, if we will walk in His ways, all these blessings will overtake us.”
That means you won’t be able to outrun the good things of God. One translation of the word “overtake” means “to catch by surprise.” Our Heavenly Father wants to be good to us. He wants to amaze us with His goodness. We should get up every morning with the attitude, “I can’t wait to see what God is going to do!” And you may have had some victories in the past, but you haven’t seen anything yet; God is about to super size your dreams and surprise you by accomplishing more than you can ask or think.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Deliver You

“Call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall honor and glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15)

Are you facing trouble in any area of your life today? God is standing ready to deliver you. He promises in His Word that He is near to all those who call upon His name. No matter what you may be going through, have confidence knowing that God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. He promises to deliver you! Notice that this verse tells us that our part is to honor and glorify Him. You don’t have to wait until everything is perfect to give Him praise. You can give Him honor and glory right now. You can thank Him for all He’s done in your life so far, and what
He will do in your future. Call on Him today and focus on having an attitude of faith and expectancy. Speak His Word and declare His promises over your life, knowing that He promises to deliver you. Trust in Him because He will take you places you’ve never dreamed. As you praise Him, He’ll take you higher and higher into the life of victory He has in store for you!
Minsan ito ang kinakaligtaan nating lahat ang maniwala at alalahanin ang mga pangako ng Diyos sa atin, wala tayong ibang gagawin kundi ang basahin ito at isa puso ang mga binasa tungkol sa Diyos. Yung mga suliranin at pagsubok ay laging nariyan lang sa paligid natin, wala tayong ibang gagawin kundi ang harapin ito na kasama ang Diyos. Paano ito? Kapag ibinigay mo na ito sa Diyos paniwalaan na ito'y gagawin Niya. Tayo'y Kanyang tutulungan upang mapagtagumpayan ang lahat ng problema at pag-subok sa atin (1 Corinto 10:13)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

More Than You Imagine!!

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him" (I Corinthians 2:9).
Because God loves you, He has supernatural blessings in store for you; increase, favor, good breaks, supernatural opportunities. His dream for your life is so much greater than you ever imagined. You haven’t seen anything yet! You may have a dream to get well again, or to be able to walk without pain, but God’s dream for you is not only that you will walk, but that you be able to run and play like you did when you were a child. Your dream may be just to keep your marriage together, but God’s dream is that your marriage would be happier, healthier, and more fulfilling than you ever thought possible!

Your dream may be to just pay your bills and make it through each month, but God’s dream is that you have an abundance, that you be totally out of debt, pay your house off, pay your credit cards off, and have so much overflow that you can be a blessing to everyone around you! Get ready because God has greater blessings in store for you that you ever imagined. Open you heart today and keep an attitude of faith and expectancy and you will live the abundant life the Lord has prepared for you!
Father in heaven, thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life. I open my heart and receive by faith all You have me. Fill me with your peace and joy as I continue to trust in You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lesson of Prayer…

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10
Some time ago I was invited to preach in another sector, and my schedule was such that I could not come. When they offered to send a car to pick me up, I agreed. As we going over their place, the driver asked me if I wanted to try my hands at driving the car. I said, "Yes." Of course, he was sitting right next to me. He could drive it without me, but I couldn't drive it without him. He had his hands on the wheels with me. He allowed me to participate with him. That's the way prayer is. God can do it without you, but God enables you to have fellowship with Him and teaches you a dependency upon Him.

Tama yan ang simpleng analisa upang maipakita ang kahalagahan ng panalangin. Ito’y malaking tulong sa bawat isa. Pero sabi ng iba bakit pa ako mananalangin kong alam naman ng Diyos ang aking lahat na kailangan. Dapat ibinibigay na lang niya yun ng wala ng anupamang gagawin, kasi kailangan nga eh at nilikha Niya tayo at Siya ang may sabi na mahal Niya tayo. Subalit ayon sa kaniyang salita ang Diyos ay lagging naghahanap sa Kanyang nilikha ng paghahanap at pagtawag. Ang Diyos ay seloso kaya ang ibig Niya ay Siya lang lagi ang ating tatawagan.

Kailangan nating manalangin lagi sa Diyos sapagkat doon tayo nakikipag-usap sa Kanya at doon Siya sumasagot at nagtuturo…

Kneel before Him. Meditate on 1 Chronicles 16:23-36. Glory in His presence.