[8.2] "To understand a proverb, AND THE INTERPRETATION [or ‘puzzle’—the proverb itself is not also the interpretation]…" (Prov. 1:6).
[8.3] "Are you able to make known unto me THE DREAM which I have seen, AND THE INTERPRETATION thereof [the dream does not interpret itself]?" (Dan. 2:26).
"Own" is a little closer to the Greek in this verse than is the word "private." A few examples of how the Greek word, idios, is used in other Scriptures will show this more clearly. In a few cases it should be translated "private," as in, "…the disciples came unto Him privately" (Matt. 24:3). But more than 70 times it is translated "own" as in: Matt. 9:1 "…and came into his own city [Gk: idios—not ‘private’ city]." John 4:44 "…has honor in his own country ."I Pet. 3:5 "…unto their own husbands ."
Why is no Scripture its OWN interpretation, we might ask? To protect the integrity of the Scriptures, for one thing. ALL twelve of these spiritual principles are to be used together in explaining the Scriptures. If every Scripture or even any Scripture can be its "own interpretation," then we wouldn’t need the other eleven principles. How can a Scripture be its own interpretation when we are told to "compare or MATCH spiritual with spiritual?" One standing along cannot at the same time be a match to something else. Why then the need for "TWO witnesses" if each Scripture fully interprets itself? No, everyone one of the principles that I am presenting is of paramount importance.
In our last example on the judgments by fire (I Cor. 3 and Rev. 20), it was absolutely necessary to have not only two witnesses, but to match one spiritual teaching with another spiritual teaching in order to arrive at the truth. You see, neither Scripture by itself, fully explains God’s "judgments by fire." From I Cor. 3 orthodoxy will concede that the fire is figurative, spiritual, symbolic, and that the believers that go through this fire WILL BE SAVED BY IT. But this same orthodoxy (because they refuse to obey this commandment of God’s Scripture) conclude that the lake of fire of Rev. 20, is not symbolic, even though the whole book is "signified" (Rev. 1:1), which is "symbolized." They say that this fire is literal, and that those that go through it will never be saved.
Theologians and preachers despise this simple and unassailable Scriptural logic and truth.
Here is a simple example as to why no Scripture is its OWN interpretation. I am asked about once a week the following question: If dead people are really dead as you say {actually, I quote SCRIPTURE when I say that, so it is really GOD saying it, not I], then how was it that Moses and Elijah appeared alive with Christ on the mount? Let’s read it:
"And after six days Jesus takes Peter, James, and John his brother, and brings them up into an high mountain apart, and was transfigured before them: and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elijah talking with Him" (Matt. 17:1-3).
Now then, since most theologians refuse to follow the commandments of God, they do conclude that this verse is its OWN interpretation, and therefore what you see is what you get—Elijah and Moses are still alive in heaven, or some place. To them this Scripture is its OWN interpretation; they don’t need a SECOND witness; they don’t need to compare SPIRITUAL WITH SPIRITUAL; they don’t need to be sure this Scripture MATCHES other Scriptures. Hence, break the commandments of God and they teach heresy.
The preachers and theologians of Christendom ARE the Scribes and Pharisees, Elders, the Chief priests of today’s Church. And what was their attitude back then with regards to following the commandments of God with regard to having more than one witness, etc.? "And as soon as it was day, the ELDERS, of the people and the CHIEF PRIESTS and the SCRIBES came together and led Him into their council… Then said they all, ‘Are You then the Son of God?’ And He said unto them, ‘You say that I am.’ And they said, WHAT NEED WE ANY FURTHER WITNESS?…" (Luke 22:66, 70-71).
Yes, indeed, "What NEED have we of any further witness?" Here’s why we need to follow the commandments of God. Just one additional Scripture witness will solve this Christian heresy that dead people are still alive. Here it is: "And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the VISION [the vision they just had in verses 1-3 if Elijah and Moses appearing as if they were alive] to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead " (Matt. 17:9).
It was all a VISION! It never "literally" happened anymore than your dreams are literal. The Scripture says "two or THREE witnesses," so lets throw in a third just to put this whole issue out of the reach of the heretics. Are Elijah and Moses still alive? Did they receive their promises and go to heaven. Are they now in heaven?
Turn to Hebrews 11. Although Elijah is not mentioned by name in this chapter, he is, nonetheless, included, as he certainly was "…OF the PROPHETS" (Verse 32). What do the Scriptures say regarding the present condition of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham & Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and the prophets, of whom Elijah was one? Are they alive today? Did they receive the promises. Are they in heaven? Hold on, cause I’m about to knock your socks off:
"These ALL DIED IN FAITH, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE PROMISES… For they that say such things declare plainly that they SEEK a country… they DESIRE a better country, that is a HEAVENLY… And ALL THESE, having obtained a good report through faith, [here comes the second witness that they are dead and not in heaven]… RECEIVED NOT THE PROMISE: God having provided something better thing FOR US, that THEY without US should NOT BE MADE perfect".
"These ALL DIED IN FAITH, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE PROMISES… For they that say such things declare plainly that they SEEK a country… they DESIRE a better country, that is a HEAVENLY… And ALL THESE, having obtained a good report through faith, [here comes the second witness that they are dead and not in heaven]… RECEIVED NOT THE PROMISE: God having provided something better thing FOR US, that THEY without US should NOT BE MADE perfect".
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