4.) God decided that through the atonement and the substitution of an innocent victim to take the place of the guilty kidnapped race He would free it from Satan, thus legally and forcefully evicting him, restoring man’s dominion so as to carry on the eternal purpose.
5.) The penalty had to be paid for man to go free. If sinful man had paid the penalty he would remain forever dead. If man was to become reconciled to God again and be restored to his original position, an innocent and a willing substitute had to be found to take his place who could fully meet the demands of the law and represent both God and man. He had to be more than man to be able to live again after the penalty was paid.
6.) One of the three Divine Person in the Trinity became a man, took the place of man in paying the penalty thus meeting all the demands of God and His holy law and defeating Satan and his host (Colossians 2:14-17).
7.) When Satan put to death the innocent sinless Christ, the court heaven cancelled all his claims, rights over his victims. Now he holds a false authority over them. His chief method now is intimidation. All who assert their legal, redemptive, blood bought, and divine rights and resist him can be free from sin, sickness, and satanic powers. Mark 16:17-18
No human court can forgive and justify any man who continues to commit crimes. So it is with the court of heaven. The supreme judge is sworn to uphold the demands of the law in every case.
All sin must be confessed and the life consecrated to obedience to the moral law before one is justified and Satan loses his case in the court of heaven. If one commits sin and refuses to confess and rectify his life, Satan wins his case and God is under obligation to pass the sentence of the broken law. James 2:10
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