While some do not believe that homosexual sex is even mentioned or described in Scripture, others freely admit that it is mentioned and was a capital crime under Moses, and strongly condemned by the Apostle Paul as being worthy of death. But among the other it is argued that neither of these condemnations in the Old or the New Testaments applies to homosexual Believers in Christ. That is a twist, come with me, we will examine carefully, as most have probably never heard of such a defense.
The purpose of this topic is not to single out or come down upon homosexuals. I can’t make a topic entitled: "Is Stealing a Sin?" or, "Is Bearing False Witness a Sin?" or, "Is Murder a Sin?" But why "homosexuality? Because more and more, the media, entertainment, the government, the Church, the general population of the world, no longer believes it is a sin to be discriminated against, whereas even the bases of nations have laws against stealing, false witness, and murder. So, my purpose here is not to judge, but to specifically establish whether homosexuality is a sin or not a sin.
If it is not a sin, and these practices are normal, then we should not be speaking or discriminating against them. But if it is a sin, then we should certainly speak out against it just as we should against adultery, idolatry, lying, stealing, etc. Let's try to look at the Scriptural facts with unbiased, open minds. If we are interested in obedience to Jesus Christ then we should be eager to know the truth one way or the other.
Most homosexuals do not argue with Leviticus. 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
They accepted that this verse is speaking of homosexuality-sex between members of the same gender. Their argument is that it no longer applies to them as Believers in Christ under the New Covenant, stating that they are no longer under the law of Moses. But I will give just a few comments concerning whether Lev. 20:13 is still binding on Christian Believers.
Some People Defense:
I have read some interesting reasons from their side regarding why they don't think homosexuality is a sin. Here is their defense - don't you find it interesting that when Jesus walked in the earth, he never once brought up the subject? If it was such a sin, it would be one of the Ten Commandments, don't you think?"
No, I don't think so at all. Lev. 20:13 does not need to be one of the Ten Commandments before it has any jurisdiction over Christian Believers. Jesus did not address child-molestation either; neither is it one of the Ten Commandments. Neither did Jesus address drug abuse, nor pornography, smoking, spousal abuse, or torture. Does this fact therefore condone such sins? Are we to assume therefore that none of these are wrong or sinful? I hope we are not foolish enough to believe that if something is not mentioned in the Bible, then it shouldn't be considered a sin.
Next time I will discuss to you the real meaning of our topic based on various sources and the bible.
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