It is finished ended Jesus emptiness, His humiliation. It was the end of His mission on earth. Jesus Christ had sowed the divine seed in the hearths of His disciples and followers. It is this divine seed in us that He would like to incubate so that we would be able to mix with the worldly environment. From us whom God the Father entrusted to Him would constitute a new society. A society composed of born-again Christians governed by the Biblical teachings of Jesus.
And we are called the body of Christ, and He is our Head. The church would be always carry of the pillar of the truth. We should always carry His name and message. His sanctification and justification. We were taught on how to have the good fight of faith and have it established in our hearth. His divine work and mission on earth were finished.
We must bear in mind that moment when Jesus said, “it is finished” marks the very beginning of His glorification and would never be separated from His church. He did not leave us nor forsake us. He loves us so much that was why He asked the Father to give us a Comforter, our Holy Spirit who will teach us, guide us, and comfort us.
Jesus armed us with shields and weapons – His 9 fruit of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Holy Spirit are our treasure and power. Notice how our Savior fought the good fight of faith, not with muscles, and cleverness, but He fought with spirit and kindness which we must emulate. He won the battle on the cross. It is the parchment of mankind’s distinction of pure communion and clear faith.
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